Discover Your G.I.F.T.S.

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Looking back on your answers to all of those questions, consider what your G.I.F.T.S. are and how you can use them to bless other people. Using your God-given G.I.F.T.S. will not only provide material help to those in need… it will also give them the gift of hope as people see God’s love for them through your acts of service. To help focus your search of the MTN database for needs that fit your G.I.F.T.S., check out the examples below:

GoalsDoctor looking to retire soon and use what he has to help others
InterestsCompassion for children suffering from HIV/AIDS in Africa
FulfillmentNot sure how God wants to use him, but wants to know
TalentsGreat at working with kids; Has excess medical supplies
SituationPediatric physician living in a small town in Tennessee
Needs Met through MTNDonated medical supplies to missionary organization in Zimbabwe. Provided free pediatric medical services during a weekend event sponsored by a local church
GoalsGet more out of life than just working for years for a large builder
InterestsHas a heart for improving the quality of life of those less fortunate
FulfillmentFeels that God is leading him to use his skills for a greater purpose
TalentsSkills and know-how in building homes, particularly roofing
SituationConstruction worker living in Atlanta
Needs Met through MTNWorked part-time with local ministry to rehab homes of poor families. One day would like to go on a trip overseas to help build a church
GoalsUse new-found free time not just to relax but to help others
InterestsGetting people back on their feet after they’ve hit hard times
FulfillmentFind God’s plan for her now that her children are grown
TalentsTeaching and tutoring; Refurnishing house and has used furniture
SituationFormer schoolteacher whose two children have just gone to college
Needs Met through MTNWorking with a local ministry that provides job skills training and placement services to displaced workers. Donated furniture to local families
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