Volunteer Management

Increase Your Impact in the Community
Instantly communicate local needs to church members
There are so many needs and so many people in church pews and corporate offices willing and able to help. But charities have no easy way to broadcast volunteer needs to local churches and companies, still relying on emails, calls, newsletters. And churches still use the pulpit and bulletin to show members local volunteer opportunities. Those methods are outdated and aren't working. Meet The Need brings local volunteer recruiting into the 21st century.

Manage all Volunteer Logistics with Ease
Automated sign-ups, reminders, updates and reporting
Form true partnerships between local churches, business and charities by showing opportunities to engage people in service to the community year-round. Let users "opt in" through your web site to get automatic notifications when a local food bank or homeless shelter posts new needs. Let Meet The Need's system do all the work "behind the scenes" – online searches, commitments, confirmations, reminders, reporting, etc.
Broadcast local volunteer needs throughout your network
Imagine the "Volunteer Now!" buttons on local charity web sites, newsletters and social media pages take registrations online for their volunteer needs. Imagine those same exact needs appearing simultaneously on the web sites of local churches and companies on their "Serve the Community" buttons. Imagine people connecting directly, year-round with community service agencies, even being notified whenever they post new needs.

Register and Mobilize
Sign up volunteers on your web site and social media
What if church members and employees could "shop" for (selected) opportunities to serve local charities or families that fit their skills and interests? What if they could sign up for the same needs on the charity's web site, or through their church or company? Could you mobilize more people to serve if the burden didn't fall on you to try to locate, match up, and manage all logistics for volunteers? And what if all of that looked exactly like your web site? After all, it's your heart for serving those in need that you want people to see, not Meet The Need's.

Remind and Update
Make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be
Do you ever get too few or too many volunteers? How do you ensure everyone is in the right place at the right time? How can you find replacements for last-minute cancellations? Through Meet The Need, shifts that are filled instantly disappear from your web site. Online cancellations make those filled needs reappear immediately. Automated confirmations and reminders are sent 21, 7 and 1 day before each shift. Shift leaders can email updates to the group with a click of a button.

Track and Measure Your Impact in the Community
Run detailed reports on volunteer history and hours
No more adding up volunteers on paper forms and spreadsheets to see whether you have enough. See at any time how many are signed up and how many are still needed for each shift. Record and audit how many volunteers actually came and how long they stayed. Produce (and export) reports showing volunteer hours and quantities for any time period, activity, location or shift. Retain all volunteer information and involvement data permanently.

What People are Saying
"Meet the Need is the major component that drives the "Bless!" initiative at Gateway Church. The purpose of "Bless!" is to encourage the church to serve outside the four walls of our building, by connecting our members with the ministries that we relate and partner with. We have had a wonderful and effortless experience with Meet The Need from our initial design sessions to full integration on our website. We are so excited about the positive response we have received from our members and our ministry partners who have utilized Meet The Need for the purpose of building the Kingdom by reaching out to those in need."
Gateway Church (Dallas, TX) – Local/National Outreach
"What a Kingdom building opportunity this is! Not only does Meet The Need release the bottle neck at the church staff level on getting serve opportunities to your congregants, but it empowers individuals to put their faith into action. The load has finally been lifted from outreach church staff, who feels the heavy burden of trying to connect gifted servants to needs in the community. Now, at a touch of a button people can match their own personal gifts and promptings directly to a person, ministry or even a non-profit."
Van Dyke Church (Lutz, FL) – Missions & Outreach
Q: How much does the volunteer module cost? A: There are no required fees. Our mission is to see churches and charities doing more to bring help and hope to families in need in their communities, so we offer you all of our state-of-the-art solutions at no charge. As a non-profit, we accept voluntary donations from churches, charities and individuals who share our mission.
See More...Q: Does my staff need to be technically proficient to use Meet The Need? A: Not at all! There are no disks to load and very little training required. Everything is designed to be 1 click. Many small charities and churches and their volunteers have little "tech savvy", so we have to make Meet The Need simple to use and implement.
See More...Q: How do we integrate Meet The Need into our web site or social media? A: It's as easy as connecting a link to a button. There's no software to load – no disks! All of our software is "plug and play" – that's how you can show volunteer needs within minutes, not hours.
See More...Q: Is Meet The Need a volunteer clearinghouse? A: No. Charities don't need one more place to post needs. And churches and companies want to be in control of what needs they show to members. What they all lack are modern day tools to manage their charitable activities. So rather than create a central web site for everyone to post and find needs, we give you 5 private-labeled, access-controlled systems – everything you'll ever need to manage your own activities – while also connecting your organization with others in the community.
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